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Turn On Type to Siri on iPhone or iPad



Turn On Type to Siri on iPhone or iPad

If used perfectly, “Accessibility” can really enhance your iOS device experience. No wonder, it’s widely considered to be one of the most appreciable features that have ever graced iOS.
I’ve always been a fan of this feature that’s primarily been designed for differently-abled people to help them use the iPhone and iPad more comfortably. From boosting viewing experience to allowing them to control the device conveniently, it’s got many tricks under the wrap fake calculator.
Here are the 10 best iOS Accessibility tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your iPhone or iPad. Run through the lineup along with me and start using the ones that seem to fit into your needs right away!
10 Super Handy iOS Accessibility Tips and Tricks
#1: Take Advantage of AssistiveTouch
Use AssistiveTouch to Take Screenshots on iPhone
“AssistiveTouch” has long been one of the most appreciable Accessibility features for iOS. It can be enormously user-friendly for the people who have difficulty in pressing the physical buttons of the iOS device.
You can use AssistiveTouch to carry out a number of things more comfortably. For instance, you will be able to adjust volume, lock the screen, go to the Home screen, capture screenshot, rotate the screen and even restart the device without having to press any physical buttons.
To get started, open Settings → General → Accessibility → AssistiveTouch. Then, turn on the switch. Now, the AssistiveTouch menu will appear on the screen.
Enable AssistiveTouch on iPhone
Based on your need, you can fine-tune the top-level menu, custom actions for single-tap, double-tap and even long press secret photo vault. There is also an option to adjust the idle opacity. So, customize everything in line with your requirement.
#2. Quickly Magnify Anything
Magnifier can be super handy in many ways. Save it for the times when your eyes aren’t able to spot small text or any tiny thing, and you need the help of a tool to easily view it.
To enable this feature, head over to Settings app on your iOS device → General → Accessibility → Magnifier → Now, turn on the switch. From now onwards, you can triple-click the Home/Side button to activate it and then use your iPhone’s camera to magnify your surroundings.
Turn ON Magnifier on iPhone or iPad
#3. Make the Most of Reachability
It’s never easy to handle big-screen iPhones with one hand unless of course, you are blessed with incredibly big hands. Well, if you often find your thumb not reaching the top of the screen or wish to use your phablet a bit conveniently with one hand, use Reachability to bring the top of the screen to your reach.
Launch Settings app on your device → General → Accessibility → Now, make sure the switch for Reachability is ON. After that, you can simply double tap on the Home button or swipe down towards Home bar at the bottom to quickly access the items that are at the top of the screen.
Enable Reachability on iPhone X, Xs, Xs Max and iPhone XR
#4. Keep Your iPhone Locked In A Single App
Especially when I’m drawing a nice image or editing pics, I don’t want anyone to tinker with my device. And that’s the time when I mostly use this little known feature—Guided Access.
Moreover, it also becomes my savior when my little kid wants to use my iPhone to play a game. To ensure he stays only inside his favorite app, I take advantage of this feature to smartly keep the iPhone in that app only. Open Settings app → General → Accessibility → Guided Access → turn on the switch.
Enable Guided Access on iPhone or iPad
Going forward, you can triple-click the Home/Side button to activate this feature and keep the device locked inside an app. To find out more about it, check out this complete guide.
#5: Type to Siri
Whenever you want to use Siri to get any work done, just speak the popular phrase, “Hey Siri” and ask it to do the favor. Pretty simple.
But what if you don’t feel comfortable to speak out the command; is there a way to use the virtual assistant without using voice command video vault?
Yes! You can enable “Type to Siri” feature (also available on Mac) to write down the command instead of speaking it. Whenever you want your interaction with the personal assistant to be less distractive, you should use it. To bring it into action, go to the Settings app → General → Accessibility → tap on Siri → turn ON the toggle for Type to Siri.
From now onwards, you can activate Siri and then type out the command to ask the virtual assistant to get your work done.
Use Type to Siri on iPhone or iPad
#6. Customize Home/Side Button Click Speed
I don’t think many of you would be aware that iOS offers a way to fine-tune the click speed of Home and side button. If you ever find the physical button a bit fast or too slow, use this hidden feature to ideally adjust the click speed.
To customize the intensity of the click speed of the physical button, launch the Settings app on your device → General → Accessibility → Home/Side Button → Now, choose from three available options: Default, Slow, Slowest app struck.
Customize iPhone Home or Side Button Click Speed
#7. Enhance Your Viewing Experience
“Dark Mode” is one of the most awaited features in iOS. Though there is no full-fledged dark mode, iOS does have a decent alternative called Smart Invert.
If you use your device at night to read saved articles or chat with your friends, make sure to enable this feature. It will protect your eyes from straining and also extend the battery life of your iPhone.



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